Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Believe the parts you want to believe

This is a response to a comment in a previous post. I meant to be short, but alas, I have run on and have decided that this will serve well as my post on this subject.


Thank you for continuing to visit Geoffosphere!

I haven't had a chance to post about this subject, but I have seen many informative posts. I'm sure you know my answer to your question because this is the basis for the division between our political views. You don't think I believe or listen to your views, and I don't think you listen to my points of view. Yet we both know each other’s side.

But since you asked, I refer you to the posts below that will take you to many more posts on the subject. Not all of them in staunch defense of the President. But for the most part saying that these actions were in defense of the citizens of the United States. And that we don't have enough information to know the legality of these actions.

Instapundit (1)
Instapundit (2)

Unfortunately, the NYT is so horny to convict the President that they are willing to publish whatever part of a story serves their purpose. And people on the left eagerly follow the cue. There is more to this story than we know. It was to be a secret program, so we’re not going to get more of the story. The bigger story should be that national security secrets are being made public. This can only aid our enemy.

Finally, the President has done much to involve the balancing branches of the government so that there would not be an abuse of power. But that does not seem to matter to the hordes on the left. Believe the parts you want to believe in order to serve your purpose. I think we can both agree with this statement.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public"
Theodore roodevelt, 1918