Saturday, January 17, 2009

Hudson River Plane Crash Analsys

What did it feel like to land in the river? I estimate that they felt 4-5 g's. A normal landing is less rhan 1 g. According to Wikipedia, roller coasters are about 3 g's. So this must have felt pretty abrupt.

stall speed 113 knots 130 mph 190.7 feet per second

plane length 37.57m 123.3 feet

stop (from video)
length 5 planes lengths, 616.5 feet
time 4 sec

ave to stop, g's
4 sec 47.675 fps^2 = 1.48 g
1 sec 190.7 fps^2 = 5.92 g

The Federal Aviation Regulations Part 23 lays down some crashworthiness requirements for normal category light aeroplanes to give each occupant every reasonable chance of escaping serious injury when the occupant experiences forward loads up to 9 g

If the body is properly restrained human organs, and their attached blood vessels, have coped with transverse deceleration loads very much greater than 20 g – applied for short periods.

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