Friday, January 09, 2009

The Chicago Way Comes to Washington

Great column by John Kass at the Chicago Tribune. (HT. Michael Graham) John is giving us a little heads -up on how the government will be run now that we've put a Chicago Pol in the white house. Great metaphoric read.

So the Chicago Way hauled off and slapped the U.S. Senate in the face—one of those backhands with the knuckles to unsuspecting lips—and guess who blinked?

It wasn't Chicago.

It was the Senate.

In political terms, Reid rolled up his sleeves, put on his favorite "Kiss the Chef" apron, got his fingers dusty with flour and baked himself a big humble pie. He scarfed it down in front of reporters Wednesday, without a fork, all but licking his fingers, that pie was so sweet and tasty. Mmm-mmm.

"People ask a lot of times why we have to do various things procedurally here in the Senate," Reid told reporters. "It's because we're the Senate: That's how we operate."

Correction. That's how you used to operate. You're from Nevada, but Obama comes from Chicago.

It's sure got to be difficult to eat a big hunk of humble pie when your lips are stinging, but here's some advice, Senators.

Have another slice. There's plenty more.

1 comment:

Mac said...

Residents of Massachusetts know what Chicago politics are about. That's where Gov. Deval Patrick honed his skills. And he's doing such a wonderful job running the state.... lol