Wednesday, August 01, 2007


The Washington Post quotes Sen. John D. Rockefeller (D-W.Va.) on President Bush's "electronic surveillance of overseas communications in search of terrorists." (If you don't recognize this program, liberals and CNN call it "Domestic Spying".)

"Given the continued threat environment and some recent technical developments, I have become convinced that we must take some immediate, but interim, step to improve collection of foreign intelligence in a manner that doesn't compromise civil liberties of U.S. citizens,"

Allow me to translate:

"Now that you have re-elected us to stop Bush, we must do what is right for the country and continue with Bush's policies on the war and on domestic spying. Oh, and thank you again for your vote."

Bottom line - as I have posted on before, the democrats have two choices, go against the president and put Americans in danger, or accept the fact that Bush is doing what needs to be done to protect America. The latter is their duty. The former is their career.

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