Thursday, May 03, 2007

Opposing Forces

Instapundit posts about an error by Reuters and comments on general Reuters trust.

MORE BOGUS KYOTO HISTORY FROM REUTERS: "President George W. Bush pulled the United States out of Kyoto in 2001, arguing it would cost U.S. jobs and that it wrongly excluded 2012 goals for poorer nations such as China."

Er, no. The U.S. refused to ratify Kyoto under President Clinton. We've been over this before. It's all spelled out in Wikipedia, even. Really, if Reuters can't get simple things like this right, why should we trust them for actual news?

He also mentions that the Bush administration should be fighting back. I wish Bush would fight back too. But I think Bush wants to stay out of it. I think he believes that in a free speech, capitalist society the truth will come out without his meddling. Supports of the truth should make his case for him. The problem is that the dominance on those who are not interesting in the truth. I agree with Instapundit, that Bush should speak up more. This action will aid those of us in the alternative media in presenting and policing the truth.

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