Friday, November 03, 2006

The Damage is Done

It's unfortunate that as we get further from events, details become more clear. Someday we will see that the Bush Administration (and Congress, and Britain and the UN) was a lot closer to being right than wrong about WMD in Iraq. But that won't change the minds of those who have already been convinced that "Bush lied". What a shame that people have been mislead my the political system and a biased mainstream media.

Captain's Quarters, 11/03/2006
...The Times has just authenticated the entire collection of memos, some of which give very detailed accounts of Iraqi ties to terrorist organizations. Just this past Monday, I posted a memo which showed that the Saddam regime actively coordinated with Palestinian terrorists in the PFLP as well as Hamas and Islamic Jihad. On September 20th, I reposted a translation of an IIS memo written four days after 9/11 that worried the US would discover Iraq's ties to Osama bin Laden.

It doesn't end there with the Times, either. In a revelation buried far beneath the jump, the Times acknowledges that the UN also believed Saddam to be nearing development of nuclear weapons. . . . The Times wanted readers to cluck their tongues at the Bush administration for releasing the documents, although Congress actually did that. However, the net result should be a complete re-evaluation of the threat Saddam posed by critics of the war. Let's see if the Times figures this out

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