Saturday, August 23, 2008

3AM? Are you kidding me?

Could they blow the hype any worse? I don't support Barak and I did not sign up for this gimmick (cuz I think these people will get spammed by Barak until election day), but I concede that it might have been cool to be at a bar at about 6PM after work and hear one-in-five cell phone go off, up comes a mummer and then maybe a little cheer. But no. Just an annoying wake at 3AM to tell people what they already knew if they were up late the night before. Here are some great reactions to this latest rookie mistake.

Cajun Boy in the City - Very Funny. And from the comments:

"It's like Obama just drunk texted you because you're special and he was up late and just got back from the traveling, and he's got to head to Springfield tomorrow, but if you're awake maybe he could just come over, and maybe bring his friend Joe, you up for that?"

Brandon Loy - It's 3:00 AM, and your children are safe and asleep...
...but there's a cell phone in the other room, and it's ringing. Must be one of your a**hole friends drunk-dialing you

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