Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The Fleecing of CBS

Powerline does an excellent job of dissecting the misleading report by CBS on President Bush's speech in South Carolina on 7/23/07. I often listen to the mainstream media pick and chose to make their point. And they drop clear lies that the liberal left has accepted as fact. I wish I had time to do this type of fleecing on many CNN, NBC, etc. stories. I would hope it would be eye opening to some.

CBS's attack on Bush is remarkable. The network essentially called the President a liar. Here are some of CBS's key statements; let's take them one by one:

President Bush appealed today for more time for his Iraq strategy to work, but this time with a new rationale. *** President Bush's rationale is clearly shifting, from policing sectarian violence to targeting al Qaeda.

As the White House pointed out today, the President has talked about the threat of al Qaeda in Iraq in more than 40 speeches and other public appearances this year [including the speech that CBS cherry picks a quote from]. It's interesting, too, that CBS thinks the old rationale was "policing sectarian violence." I'd be interested to see a single instance where President Bush has said that our mission in Iraq is "policing sectarian violence."

It is inconceivable that CBS's reporters would broadcast this segment without reading President Bush's speech of January 10. It is equally inconceivable that they could read that speech without realizing that there is, in fact, no contradiction between it and the President's speech in South Carolina yesterday. The obvious inference is that CBS has deliberately chosen to mislead and misinform its viewers on the most vital issue of our time. I would much rather not believe that. But what other explanation can there be?

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