Friday, June 15, 2007

Boring Story

Nothing to report here. That's why it's not in the headlines.

Pelosi and Reid have claimed that the surge is a failure. You know better, because you hear the stories from the front lines. Bill Roggio continues to tirelessly bring us the situation on the ground in Iraq. He brings the news regardless of it's sensationality. I don't miss his daily reports from Iraq.

Here is a story of success - success from persistence and the surge:

...The city of Fallujah is the only city in Anbar province where the Iraqi Army owns the battlespace. The city is run by Iraqis, and has an elected mayor, 20 members on the city council and a police force the works closely with the Iraqi Army and U.S. forces in the region. Fallujah now has an estimated 400,000 residents as people continue to return to the city, and business is beginning to thrive, Col Simcock noted.

Col Simcock explained that RCT-6 is now focusing on securing the four regions, using the additional forces allotted in the "surge" to provide a permanent presence and establishing the conditions for the Iraqi security forces to assume control over the battlespace. Combined with the Iraqi Army units and Provincial security forces in his area of operations, Col Simcock stated he has enough forces to get the job done.

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