Monday, April 23, 2007


Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has decided to sacrifice the Iraqi people for his own political gain. Neo-Neocon spells it our clearly. There is no other explanation.


Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has called the war in Iraq a failure.

How does he know this? Because of the “extreme violence in Iraq this week.” And what did that violence consist of? A series of terrorist bombings that killed around 200 Iraqi civilians.

Originally, Reid voiced his “failure” viewpoint to the President at a White House meeting. I have no problem with that. But to make such a declaration publicly shows a narrow focus on politics as usual that is almost breathtaking in its self-absorption and its ignorance (or dismissal) of the consequences of his words.

So now it appears that the enemy can win a war simply by killing enough civilians to demoralize the Democrats. Their own civilians, that is; not ours.

That may seem like an odd definition of victory—I certainly find it so—but it’s the inescapable conclusion to draw. As such, I think it not only odd but unique in the annals of warfare.


You don’t need, in fact, to be actually winning under any traditional (or even rational) definition of winning.


If Reid’s motive for his statement is the laudable and humanitarian one of aiming to stop the killing of civilians in Iraq, it would be hard to make the argument that an American withdrawal will aid that cause, either. It’s hard to escape the idea that he is cynically using concern for those citizens as a pawn in his own political game.



I also suggest this the Blog Week in Review podcast on this top.

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