Thursday, September 28, 2006

Selective Analysis: The NYT and the leaked NIE

Recently the NYT reported on an leaked National Intelligence Estimate (NIE), highlighting that the Iraq war has increased the Islamic terrorist threat. To clarify this document, and to shed light on the selective analysis by the NYT for politcal/commercial gain, President Bush released to the public, some of this NIE. I frequent The Belmont Club because I like his analysis style. Here is his review of the released National Intelligence Estimate. I note 2 things:

1. Yes, Iraq is a rallying call for Islamic extremists. But they did not need Iraq for this. They were already rallying against the west for decades. Prior to 9/11 they were rallying in Afghanistan, readying for the fight. Iraq is just the location of the current fight.
2. Not reported in the NYT piece, the same NIE that says Iraq is causing more terrorists states the Jihadi's view a victory of a democratic Islamic nation in Iraq will be a great loss to their Islamic extremist future. (So winning in Iraq will ultimately reduce terrorists even though, prior to victory, it has increased it)

"Iraq was not necessary at all to provoke the attack of September the 11th."
- The Belmont Club

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sitting watching 60 Minutes & wondering your thoughs on Bob Woodwards interview & new book