Tuesday, August 29, 2006

What if the boy cried wolf and we came running every time?

Will we ever learn? Howard Kurtz in the Washington Post documents for history the latest Media frenzy involving the alleged JonBenet murderer.

This is what produces 25-hour-a-day cable coverage, causes the network morning shows to go nuts and even tops the nightly news two days straight? Aren't the TV types who pumped up this empty balloon just a little bit ashamed?

Oh, and does the New York Daily News run a retraction for its banner headline "SOLVED"?

Of course, you will now hear that it was all the fault of the Boulder D.A., Mary Lacy, for arresting Karr in the first place. And maybe that was a dumb move. But the last time I checked, she didn't own any television stations. Of course you would report that some wack job had claimed to have killed JonBenet, but the resulting frenzy suggests that many journalists either didn't know or didn't care that strange people sometimes make false confessions in high-profile cases.

And yet things got so crazed that reporters jumped on the flight that brought Karr to the U.S., and the morning shows were interviewing fellow passengers about what he ate and so on.

Did we not suspect this from the beginning? Did the "experts" on the news tell us they were skeptical from the first moment? Yet we say every second of John Karr's trip to Colorado, including live phone conversation from the plane. It sounded something like. "He is sitting, talking to the FBI agent. He eat a peanut. He looks guilty."


Anonymous said...

seems like the one always crying wolf is the man in the White House

Geoffo said...

Can you elaborate, 012009? Do you believe that there are no wolves out there?

I'm referring to such media examples as:

Gas will be $4 by the end of the summer.
Bush leaked Valerie Plame.
The government is spying on you.
Hurricane Ernesto - headed for the gulf - could be huge.

It's the salivation that the news has for disaster that disturbs me. So far, Bush hasn't been wrong about the axis of evil or the terror threat. Five years ago he told us this was the war, and neither Iran nor North Korea have let us down. And terrorists are clearly still trying to kill us (London Plane Plot). All of the above stories have been proven false. Gas was $2.55 at the gas station near my house, yesterday.