Thursday, November 03, 2005

Media and Perception with France

Here's an interesting post from Roger Simon that made me think. An American living in France tells about how there are more pro-Americans in France than you might think. I guess I've been duped again. Since I hear "French opinion" through their media, I perceive that the French are anti-American. The French media are liberal, and they support their government. Alternatively, I imagine that the French (and others outside of America) get their information from our media, a liberal establishment that is biased against our ruling political party. So, to me, it looks like "the French" hate us. And to them, they see a negatively slanted view of Americans, which only encourages them to hate us. But as I should know by now, there is more to the story than is presented in the main stream media.

A side note: This post also demonstrates the effectiveness of weblog technology. The body of the referred to post presents a view of French law. Multiple commentors correct those statements. This supports the theory that blogs are self regulating which preserves legitimacy

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