Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Failure is easier than success

This has been bugging me for a while, now. Specifically at work, but I think it is in politics, too. Especially in Massachusetts. Sub-consciously, we hope to fail. It’s easier to fail. We like to see each other fail. Look at our entertainment. The Simpson’s. Seinfeld. Other's failures make us feel better. Even at the cost of the company or the state or the republic. I'd like to write a lot more about Massachusetts politics, but in a nutshell, the citizens of the state complain about the affairs, yet they don't make the changes on Election Day. So a super-majority rules the state with impunity. Pay hikes, hack jobs, government regulated industries. We love it, here in Massachusetts. It gives us something to bitch about. The Red Sox were our biggest crutch. Every year we could count on our dosage of disappointment. We didn't know what to do if we won. How do we celebrate? It's so much easier to bitch and complain. It's so much easier to second guess and make the leader a scapegoat. It’s much easier not to take responsibility. And this attitude discourages leaders! Why should I stick my neck out? I know the wolves are out there waiting to attack. If we don't start taking responsibility, if we don't start encouraging leadership, we're driving full speed toward despair. And everyone’s got their mouths shut.

The Defeatist Caucus

UPDATE: Here's a nice compliment to this post. Nobody's Perfect

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