Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Pulitzer Message

Interesting story about this year’s Pulitzer Prize photos. View them here, then read on.

What do you think? Are they "anti-American"? Do they support terrorism? Biased? Are they missing anything?
I first read The Belmont Club. I thought he was spot on. He refers to
Michelle Malkin
. Of coarse, the same view point. And she links to
Jawa Report. Which is an excellent breakdown of the photos.

In the end, I tend to agree with the view that this is a sad testament to the Pulitzer Prize and to our major media. Are these photos "a distinguished example of breaking news photography"? Of coarse. But half of these photos could have been take during the Saddam era. The dead children? The man is a cage? Mutilated bodies?

Aren't there other photos that also show breaking news? How about the photos of men, women and children greeting American and Iraqi soldiers who have liberated their neighborhood of thieves and murderers? How about millions of Iraqis dancing in the street with purple fingers, breaking down and crying as the reality that the tyrant, Saddam, is gone forever - crying for the family members that died unjustly for decades? Sure terrorist executions are news. But voting in Iraq... That's breaking news.

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