Wednesday, March 31, 2010

We are the Tea Party

Inspirational. Pam Stout is just a Mom who had had enough and got involved. And almost by accident, she ends up on Letterman in civil discourse. It’s a Forrest Gump moment. How did she get there? Could she have imaged this? This could be me! And the best part is that she is communicating that the tea party is not a political party, but actions by individuals and small groups. We don’t all believe in one complete platform. Pam indicated she is suspicious of President Obama’s citizenship. She has that right. I don’t question his citizenship. But Pam and I can both be tea party members because we believe in the American dream. And we think that that opportunity is slipping away though bigger government, more regulation and sky-rocketing, unsustainable debt. HT.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Go Now!

Get involved. Find out who is running in your district for state and federal government. Learn their positions. Find someone to work for. Get signatures for them. Make calls. Donate money. Make the change in November.

Click the state:

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Memories of my Grandfather Coleman

What is not made clear is that Paul Kirk (temp-MA-D) cast the 60th vote for the Senate health care bill. MA voted against O-care when we chose Scott Brown. But it was too late. This bill, if passed, will be on the shoulders of an appointed senator from a state that clearly disagreed with this bill. And 50 years from now when this entitlement is as commonplace as Social Security, no one will remember this except us cranky old republicans, boring our grandchildren with stories of freedom and liberty and the rise of tyranny.

I remember my grandfather railing against social security. He hated FDR. I fear I will become my grandfather - chastising Obama while my grandchildren are being taught the greatness of the same man.