Friday, November 06, 2009
If you can't read this....
This is from the CBO (Congressional Budget Office), a bi-patrician group. Mind you, this is an “explanation”. Imagine how confusing the legislation must sound.
To illustrate the effects of those features, the table shows the amounts of income that would correspond to the midpoint of each FPL band, the resulting premiums that single individuals and families of four would have to pay for a reference plan if their income equaled that midpoint, and the share of their income that would be represented by the sum of the enrollee premiums and the average cost-sharing amount at that midpoint. For instance, a single person with income of $26,500 in 2016 (225 percent of the FPL) would pay a premium of about $1,900 (after getting a premium subsidy of 64 percent) and could expect to pay another $900 in cost sharing (net of federal subsidies); thus, the average payment by such a person for the premium and cost sharing combined is projected to be $2,800, or about 11 percent of income. A family of four with income of about $54,000 (also 225 percent of the FPL in 2016) could expect to pay about the same share of its income for premiums and cost sharing. (Because use of health care in a given year varies widely, many people would pay less in cost sharing than the average, but some would pay more—subject to the limits on out-of-pocket costs that are specified in the bill.)
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Good News!
WASHINGTON – Fueled by government stimulus, the economy grew last quarter for the first time in more than a year. The question now is, can the recovery last?
So let me get this straight. The government wrote checks with money we don't have that reflects in increased GDP. Sound like recovery?
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Friday, October 09, 2009
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
Lost Ally
The Taliban did not expect victory in this battle. It was just a small outpost. Their mission was to kill some Americans and make it a big news story in the States. The propaganda machine of the American, anti-war, liberal-left media would do the rest. What the Taliban has failed to recalculate is that the press is more pro-Obama than it is anti-war. The Taliban has lost one of their greatest allies of the war.
NATO says kills 100 fighters in huge Afghan battle
Hat Tip, TW.
Just Say What Ever You Want
“Some of my best memories are sitting on my dad’s lap, cheering on Olga and Nadia, Carl Lewis, and others for their brilliance and perfection.”
How old was Michelle Obama in 1984, when Carl Lewis first competed in the Olympics?
Malkin via Graham
Monday, October 05, 2009
Shame on the NYT
When the NYTimes first reported that Chicago lost its Olympic bid by receiving the fewest votes of any of the finalists, the NYTimes story read like this:
But when I went to the NYTimes this morning, the story was gone. Poof! Disappeared like a witness against Whitey Bulger.
It’s been replaced by a far less embarrassing tale of President Obama’s arrogant gaffe. As the blogger who caught this re-writing of history notes, “Now there is no mention of BO's 'end of second term' quote or Rahm's 'good seats' quote. There is no mention of Cabinet Members or Dick Durban flying over with BO.”
Stay out of view of the telescreen...
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Are you questioning The Leader?
So, just to clarify, the thinking of the White House is that the decision to send more troops to Afghanistan is a complicated, thorny, multifaceted question that is fundamental to matters of life and death for many Americans, so the president cannot be rushed into this decision and has to take his time to carefully and deliberately weigh all of his options.
While at the same time, the health-care bill has to be passed by Thanksgiving.
Guantanamo Failure
White House Regroups on Guantanamo
Even the headline is gentle. In a just world it would convey the heart of the story.
Obama Fails to Close Gitmo.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Low Inflation
Factories are still operating well below capacity, one force that should keep a lid on inflation. Other factors keeping prices in check include the weak job market enabling employers to avoid wage increases, and cautious shoppers making companies wary of raising costs.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
You don't get something for nothing
As predicted, the “hangover” is upon us. Here’s the glorious result of dangling $3 billion in free taxpayer money in front of car-buyers: Two months of artificially stimulated demand which spurred manufacturers to ramp up production, leaving dealers now with showrooms full of new cars — and no customers to buy them. At the moment, no one’s even sure if overall sales will be higher for the year. Genius.
President Present
Thursday, September 17, 2009
CNN via HA
"But [VP Joe Biden] did explain the logic of doing so, saying Iran — a key concern for the United States — was not a threat"
P.S. Even CNN had to inform it's readers that Iran is "a key concern for the United States". Frightening.
Racism is a Distraction
Mr. Obama’s response to all this [racism discussion], aides say, has been to tell his staff not to be distracted by the charges and to focus on health care and the rest of his policy agenda.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Since my first days in the blogosphere, I heard about the website Eject!, Eject!, Eject! The author was praised as a "must read" and "invaluable". But just as I arrived, the author, stopped blogging to write a book. I next learned that his name was Bill Whittle, and everywhere I looked in my corner of the blogosphere, everyone was recommending his collection of essays, Silent America: Essays from a Democracy at War . He later came back to the blog world, and I found his essays too long for my short attention span, but I could see that they were an interesting read. Now, Bill is making videos for PJTV, and... Wow! Bill Whittle is fabulous! Also watch the one "Beyond the Angry Mob" I'll be an avid watcher of BIll's from now on. Might even have to donate to PJTV or run for congress!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009
Prepare for Re-Education
"Dirty secret No. 1 in Obamacare is about the government's coming into homes and usurping parental rights over child care and development.
It's outlined in sections 440 and 1904 of the House bill (Page 838), under the heading "home visitation programs for families with young children and families expecting children." The programs (provided via grants to states) would educate parents on child behavior and parenting skills. "
Foot in the door
Friday, July 31, 2009
Ok, no one is looking. Go!
On page 11 of the 533 page Friday afternoon document drop from the White House, a quote from an e-mail referring to the disastrous Air Force One flyby of lower Manhattan: "3 million New Yorkers did not have a need to know."
Page 196:, from USAF Maj. Susan Romano, Director of Public Affairs at the Headquarters of 1st Air Force (AFNORTH): "Nothing like having everyone point the finger at someone else so we ALL look like a big bunch of buffoons... can you say, Moe, Larry & Curly!??!?!"
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
The Sky is Blue
The Corner:
Over the last eight years we saw Fahrenheit 911, Syriana, Redacted, Rendition, Stop Loss, Lions for Lambs, In the Valley of Elah, and a host of other movies released about the U.S. war on terror and the Iraqi conflict. The general theme was that George Bush lied and so destroyed the Constitution and put us into Iraq, where we are waging an amoral war, among other unmentionables.
Are there additional such movies in the pipeline? After all, U.S. policy under President Obama has largely adhered to the Petraeus/Bush plan in Iraq; Obama actually accelerated operations in Afghanistan where losses are spiking. Renditions and tribunals continue. So do Predator strikes, as well as wiretaps and intercepts. Guantanamo, while not in the daily news as before, remains open. Have suddenly, say, between November 2008 and today, the above policies changed in any measurable manner, or, was the furor simply that the policies per se were never the problem, just the person who implemented and oversaw them? Take him away, and presto, the same policies become fine — and thus no longer warrant the best and brightest in Hollywood to offer much needed exposés?
Monday, July 13, 2009
Michael Yon Photoessay in Afghanistan
The base at Chaghcharan sits at nearly 7,500 feet above sea level, so at night the Milky Way hovers in magnificence above the clean, dry air. But come morning, the stars fade as the sun rises with blinding vengeance.
As we rolled to find the Kuchi nomads and their camels, the six vehicle convoy kicked up “moon dust,” which reflected the bright sun, causing instant blindness as if driving through white clouds. The convoy had to space out, else the vehicles would be driving dangerously close through the arid fog of dust. As we passed villages made of stone, mud, and straw, the white smoke from their cooking fires hung low, just above the villages, lightly blanketing their dwellings, as farmers were already heading to the fields. The Afghans are a hard-working lot. The cruel mountains must have killed off the lazy ones a long time ago.
Thursday, July 09, 2009
Makes Me Sick
565K new jobless claims, lowest level since Jan. (AP)
Monday, July 06, 2009
Courage vs. Leadership
In all three scenarios, Palin is unfit for high office, and certainly unfit to be the vice president or the president of the United States. Moreover, Palin's resignation confirms how disappointingly reckless it was of John McCain to choose the then-untested governor to be his running-mate.
And what are we to make, in retrospect, of the euphoria that greeted McCain's selection of Palin -- a euphoria that made the Republican convention seem so strange to me that, for the first time in my life, I felt I had returned to the real world when I arrived back in Washington, DC? I imagine the euphora was founded on the desperation Republicans felt as we saw the presidency slipping away, having already lost control of Congress.
Thursday, July 02, 2009
Politics over Country
Hot Air
Now it appears that we have reached another Obama expiration date...
Now suppose you’re the president, Jones told them, and the requests come into the White House for yet more force. How do you think Obama might look at this? Jones asked, casting his eyes around the colonels. How do you think he might feel?
Jones let the question hang in the air-conditioned, fluorescent-lighted room. Nicholson and the colonels said nothing.
Well, Jones went on, after all those additional troops, 17,000 plus 4,000 more, if there were new requests for force now, the president would quite likely have “a Whiskey Tango Foxtrot moment.”
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
US Victory in Iraq
The good news is that 20 years from now, no one will remember the cowardice of American liberals or the cluelessness of their policies. All that will be important will be that the US helped plant the seed of democracy and changed the Middle East forever.
Congratulations to the US military for this amazing accomplishment.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Lost Influence
via Hot Air
The efforts accelerated over the weekend, as Washington grew increasingly alarmed. “The players decided, in the end, not to listen to our message,” said one U.S. official involved in the diplomacy. On Sunday, the U.S. embassy here tried repeatedly to contact the Honduran military directly, but was rebuffed.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
This Sounds Familiar
McCain's outspoken criticism of Iran's government for its violence mirrors his strong denunciations last summer when Russia invaded the democratic country of Georgia.
Obama, who was vacationing in Hawaii at the time, was more measured initially, calling on both sides to stop fighting. He later changed tone more in favor of the invaded democracy.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Update (AP): CNN is airing YouTube vids of today’s brutality nonstop, which makes me think American public opinion of the regime will soon be so poisonous as to make diplomacy impossible. The One simply won’t be able to justify shaking these cretins’ bloody hands. If that’s so, it means negotiations are dead and a desperate Israeli attack on Iran’s nuclear sites is assured — unless the regime is overthrown. The stakes couldn’t be higher.
One Big Mistake
All hangs in the balance. The Khamenei regime is deciding whether to do a Tiananmen. And what side is the Obama administration taking? None. Except for the desire that this “vigorous debate” over election “irregularities” not stand in the way of U.S.-Iranian engagement on nuclear weapons.
Even from the narrow perspective of the nuclear issue, the administration’s geopolitical calculus is absurd. There is zero chance that any such talks will denuclearize Iran. The only hope for a resolution of the nuclear question is regime change.
That’s our fundamental interest. And our fundamental values demand that America stand with demonstrators opposing a regime that is the antithesis of all we believe.
And where is our president? Afraid of “meddling.” This from a president who fancies himself the restorer of America’s moral standing in the world.
Friday, June 05, 2009
Inflation not from Deficit
Rising inflation and interest rates are always a monetary problem. When Dick Cheney said a few years ago that deficits don’t matter, he was basically right. There is no clear relationship between budget deficits, inflation, and interest rates. In fact, for most of the’80s and ’90s, and much of the 2000s (excepting the 2003–05 bubble), interest rates and inflation fell while deficits averaged over $200 billion a year and got as high as 6 percent of GDP at some points. This is because Paul Volcker and Alan Greenspan restrained money-supply growth in a non-inflationary manner.
With clear signs of economic recovery on the horizon, some are now calling for an end to the unnecessary stimulus package and a de-TARPing across-the-board. Along with a big rise in the money supply, there’s been a rebound in commodities, a stabilization in housing, falling unemployment claims, a booming stock market, narrowing credit spreads, and rising ISM manufacturing reports. All this is telling us that additional stimulus is unnecessary.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Now that he's in charge...
First President in US History to Have Voted to Filibuster a Supreme Court Nominee Now Hopes for Clean Process
President Obama's expressed hope today in his weekly address "that we can avoid the political posturing and ideological brinksmanship that has bogged down this (Supreme Court nomination) process, and Congress, in the past"
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Managing by Popular Opinion
RASMUSSEN: “Forty-nine percent (49%) of voters nationwide now disagree with President Barack Obama’s decision to close the prison camp for suspected terrorists at the Guantanamo Naval Base in Cuba. ...
The support for keeping Guantanamo’s prison camp open declined from 59% last summer to 49% last November to 42% in January. In fact, shortly after the President announced his intention to close the camp, a narrow plurality agreed with him.
Since then, the trends have moved in the opposite direction. The number who want to keep the facility open increased from 42% in January to 46% in April and 49% now. The number who agree with the President’s position has fallen from 44% in January to 38% today.
Friday, May 22, 2009
No problem, here...
In 2005, Bush administration officials busted a terrorist plot to attack infidels at military and Jewish sites in the Los Angeles on the fourth anniversary of 9/11 or the Jewish holy days. It was devised by militant Muslim converts of Jam’iyyat Ul-Islam Is-Saheeh (Arabic for “Assembly of Authentic Islam”) who had sworn allegiance to violent jihad at California’s New Folsom State Prison.
Jose Padilla, the convicted terror conspirator, converted to Islam during a stint at a Broward County, Fla., jail ...
Aqil Collins, a self-confessed jihadist turned FBI informant, converted to Islam while doing time in a California juvenile detention center. ...
In East Texas, inmates were recruited with a half-hour videotape featuring the anti-Semitic rants of California-based Imam Muhammad Abdullah, ...
Federal corrections officials told congressional investigators during the Bush years “that convicted terrorists from the 1993 World Trade Center bombing were put into their prisons’ general population , where they radicalized inmates and told them that terrorism was part of Islam.”
Honor Them
Let us, then, at the time appointed gather around their sacred remains and garland the passionless mounds above them with the choicest flowers of spring-time; let us raise above them the dear old flag they saved from dishonor; let us in this solemn presence renew our pledges to aid and assist those whom they have left among us a sacred charge upon a nation's gratitude, the soldier's and sailor's widow and orphan. - General Order, 1868
Let it be Written
"The genius of democracy is that the rotation of power forces the opposition to come to its senses when it takes over. When the new guys, brought to power by popular will, then adopt the policies of the old guys, a national consensus is forged and a new legitimacy established.
That's happening before our eyes. The Bush policies in the war on terror won't have to await vindication by historians. Obama is doing it day by day. His denials mean nothing. Look at his deeds."
Monday, May 11, 2009
Read this post at Ann Althouse for intrigue:
I think we need to advance to the assumption that the flight cannot have been for photography purposes.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
We're in good hands
And what a great metaphor for the attitude of the Obama administration. Of course they sent a jet low over the skies of Manhattan--why not? They would have done it without thinking on 9/10/01. Just a publicity stunt, a promo shot. No biggie.
The same with a president telling the CIA he's "making your job harder," and who is willing to prosecute the American officials who successfully got intelligence about a potential "second wave" attack on Los Angeles. Before 9/11, the idea of waterboarding an Islamist radical in the name of national security would have shocked quite a few people. For some, that all changed on September 11th. For others, like our president, it didn't.
Meanwhile, the genius responsible for approving the plan to have Air Force One buzz Ground Zero is no stranger to stupidity. Before taking over at the White House Military Office, Louis Caldera was making headlines in the banking crisis:
The Hits Keep on Coming
One hallmark of organized crime loan-sharking is that, once you are in debt to the mob, you are never allowed to pay off the principal.
Time for you medicine, again.
What’s the greater likelihood? That, in ten years’ time, things in Pakistan will be better? Or much worse? That nuclearization by basket-case dictatorships from Pyongyang to Tehran will have advanced, or been contained? That the bleak demographic arithmetic at the heart of Europe and Japan’s economic woes will have accelerated, or been reversed? That a resurgent Islam’s assaults on free speech and other rights (symbolized by the recent U.N. support for a global Islamic blasphemy law) will have taken hold in the western world, or been forced to retreat?
A betting man would check the “worse” box. Because resisting the present careless drift would require global leadership. And 100 days into a new presidency, Barack Obama is giving strong signals to the world that we have entered what Caroline Glick of the Jerusalem Post calls “the post-American era.” At the time of Gordon Brown’s visit to Washington, London took umbrage at an Obama official’s off-the-record sneer to a Fleet Street reporter that “there’s nothing special about Britain. You’re just the same as the other 190 countries in the world. You shouldn’t expect special treatment.” Andy McCarthy of National Review made the sharp observation that, never mind the British, this was how the administration felt about their own country, too: America is just the same as the other 190 countries in the world. In Europe, the president was asked if he believed in “American exceptionalism,” and replied: “I believe in American exceptionalism, just as I suspect that the Brits believe in British exceptionalism and the Greeks believe in Greek exceptionalism.”
Monday, April 27, 2009
If this happened under Bush...
Friday, April 24, 2009
"Horror" in Pakistan
Islamabad officials have moved paramilitary forces to block a potential Taliban advance into the nation's capital as US officials question Pakistan’s ability to stop the creeping insurgency. ...
US military and intelligence officials have expressed horror at the speed of the Taliban advance and the lack of a strong response from the Pakistani government and military. ...
Some US officials have expressed frustration at Pakistan's shifting of the blame for the Taliban insurgency. Pakistani officials have pointed fingers at Afghanistan and India for fueling the Taliban and have claimed the US is withholding funding and advanced weapons. ...
"The Pakistani Army doesn't need airplanes and night vision goggles to fight the Taliban," the official said. "First and foremost, they need to grow backbones, pick up their weapons, and fight it out. And if they don't do it soon, they might not have a country left to fight for."
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Vacation From History II
Pakistan is battling the Taliban and possibly losing. "Peace" agreements have ceded areas of the country along the Afghan boarder to the Taliban and now they are taking more land, coming closer to the capitol and presumed military installation - installations that house nuclear weapons. (Long War Journal)
The Taliban takeover of Haripur would put the Taliban on the doorstep of Islamabad and would also put two major nuclear facilities at risk.
Haripur borders the Margala Hills, a region in the Islamabad Capital Territory. Haripur also borders the Punjab districts of Attock and Rawalpindi.
Attock hosts two major nuclear facilities in Pakistan: the Wah Cantonment Ordnance Complex and the Kamra (Minhas) Airbase. The Wah Cantonment Ordnance Complex host three sites where nuclear weapons and components are stored and assembled and aircraft and missiles are modified for use in nuclear attacks. The nearby Kamra Airbase is thought to host attack aircraft capable of delivering nuclear weapons.
Rawalpindi is the "garrison" city for Pakistan's military. The city hosts the headquarters of the Army and Air Force, and several nuclear weapons research facilities are also located there.
What do we do? Let them fight it out? Let the Taliban get nukes? What then? Nuke them? Wait for them to Nuke? Wait for India to Nuke them? Send in troops to where we think the Nukes are and fly them out, Jack Bauer style (ready to trusht our intelligence yet?) I don't have the answers, but I'm a little nervous that our current military leadership has not communicated a strong, confident voice to the world that we will not let threats arise again. And the media turning the other way on this story will not help.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
"Is there a chance the track will bend? Not a chance, my Hindu friend."
Notice the difference in these figures. President Obama proposes $13 billion for more than a thousand miles of high-speed rail. Everyone else is spending far more for far less [~$100b].
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
I Protest!
If I was there, I might have a sign reading "Socialism or Bust" or something. The level of spending is grotesque. Obama got voted in on the heals of "Bush over spending". Now Obama is spending 3X. It is unsustainable. Something will give, and it will be inflation and taxes. The bubble has to be corrected, and spending to fill the pot-hole will not last. It will correct in one way or another. Maybe there has to be a way to let us down easy, but we have to go down to get back to normal growth.
The scariest part of all of this spending is that much of it will never go away. How will you take away the entitlements that are being created? Imagine trying to take away "free health care" if it is enacted. You think it's hard to fix social security? Image telling people, "As of July 4th, 2013, you will need to have your own health care because we have eliminated government health care." Who will run on this platform? Ron Paul? Yeah, that didn't work out too well. Future candidates will look just as crazy when they propose eliminating government health care.
So the spending is here to stay. And inflation will come. And taxes will rise. And there is little to be done until it all comes crashing down. I hope that day never comes. Or maybe I do so that after the crash, maybe we can return to the foundation on which our nation was based. Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. No free rides.
Follow Tea Party protests at Instapundit, Michelle Malkin, Pajamas Media, and Fox News.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Two Americas
How much does Obama love his pizza? So much that he is willing to fly a chef 860 miles to Washington D.C. to make him a personal pizza.
Hey, you guys know what says you are really sincere about this whole Global Warming thing that you want to use to justify an economy crushing cap and trade program? Jetting a dude across the country to make you a freaking pie.
And you know what says you have a real solid handle on the economic concerns of citizens who are struggling through the recession? Jetting a dude across the country to "hand toss your dough".
Saturday, April 04, 2009
That Will Teach Them
FOX News
The launch "will prompt the United States to take appropriate steps to let North Korea know that it cannot threaten the safety and security of other countries with impunity," Lash said.
Friday, April 03, 2009
You Can't Just Blame Clinton or Frank or Bush
It recognizes other factors that contributed to the present financial crisis — from easy money to government encouraging lending to people who were unlikely to repay their loans — but it does not let the private sector off the hook.
Thursday, April 02, 2009
Bottom Line
The leaders also agreed to new rules on linking executive pay to performance, Brown said.
Keeping Score
Members of Congress should also worry about how Mr. Obama is "keeping score." He is steeped in the ways of Chicago politics and has not forgotten his training in the methods once used by Saul Alinsky, the radical Chicago community organizer.
Alinsky's 1971 book, "Rules for Radicals," is a favorite of the Obamas. Michele Obama quoted it at the Democratic Convention. ...
... Alinsky's first rule of "power tactics" is "power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have." Team Obama wants to remind its adversaries it has plenty of power, and it does. The question is whether the White House will wield it responsibly. The jury is still out, but certain clues are beginning to emerge. "Don't think we're not keeping score, brother," even if said with a wink and a smile, isn't quite the "new politics" we were told to expect.
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
Triple Funding for Volunteers
Please note that some of the strictures in this bill: volunteers cannot protest against proposed new laws, require that they limit their participation in the church of their choice.
...This shall not be borne. Not by me, not by my kids. This isn’t volunteerism, it is serfdom.
Here is where the name Simon Jester comes from.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Same Old Double Standard
I'm not very interested in Ashley Biden's cocaine use (assuming the woman in the video is in fact Ms. Biden). But then, I wasn't very interested in the Bush twins' underage drinking or the drug-related arrest of Sarah Palin's daughter's boyfriend's mother, either. Yet both were major news stories. Does anyone seriously believe that if there had been a video of Barbara or Jenna Bush snorting cocaine during their father's administration, the press would have refused to write about it?
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Close It
The Taliban fighters said the Afghan Taliban delegation [to the fence-mending confab] was led by Mullah Abdullah Zakir, a commander from Helmand Province in southern Afghanistan, whose real name is reported to be Abdullah Ghulam Rasoul.
A front-line commander during the Taliban government, Mullah Zakir was captured in 2001 in northern Afghanistan and was detained at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, until his release in 2007, Afghan Taliban members contacted by telephone said.
Judges Rule
After a police officer's 12-year-old son got access to the officer's handgun, the officer was prosecuted for violating Mass. Gen. Laws. ch. 140, § 131L:
... Last month, the court held the statute was unconstitutional (Commonwealth v. Bolduc), and dismissed the prosecution. I only just now managed to get a copy of the opinion, and here's the relevant discussion:
Follow link to read the judges opinion.
Four judges, all appointed, all making a judgment on the same subject, not all the same judgment. Your vote for governor or president is a vote for who makes the judgment.
Friday, March 27, 2009
The Right Decision by Obama
He said the Afghan government cannot fall to the extremist Taliban or it would "again be a base for terrorists,"
One thought, though, is that he's putting 4000 troops in to make a total of 27000. But is that enough? Afghanistan is a different theater than Iraq - fewer big cities, smaller population, rural - and there are other NATO troops there. But Bush's "surge" was 24000 troops. Is 4000 enough? Time will tell.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
"It Can Happen Here"
But the biggest lesson here is the old one that the price of freedom is eternal vigilance -- beginning with insistence on the rule of law. Americans clearly cannot trust their elected officials to defend their rights and interests, or care whether justice is served, when the slightest political risk might attach to doing so.
Which brings us back to Mr. Cuomo, whose office has been implicitly threatening to publish names of AIG employees who don't relinquish pay they were contractually entitled to.
Mr. Cuomo is a thug, but at least he reminds us: It can happen here.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Consequences of Trivialities
It is with deep regret that I submit my notice of resignation from A.I.G. Financial Products. ...
I am proud of everything I have done for the commodity and equity divisions of A.I.G.-F.P. I was in no way involved in — or responsible for — the credit default swap transactions that have hamstrung A.I.G. Nor were more than a handful of the 400 current employees of A.I.G.-F.P. Most of those responsible have left the company and have conspicuously escaped the public outrage.
After 12 months of hard work dismantling the company — during which A.I.G. reassured us many times we would be rewarded in March 2009 — we in the financial products unit have been betrayed by A.I.G. and are being unfairly persecuted by elected officials. In response to this, I will now leave the company and donate my entire post-tax retention payment to those suffering from the global economic downturn. My intent is to keep none of the money myself.
I take this action after 11 years of dedicated, honorable service to A.I.G. I can no longer effectively perform my duties in this dysfunctional environment, nor am I being paid to do so. Like you, I was asked to work for an annual salary of $1, and I agreed out of a sense of duty to the company and to the public officials who have come to its aid. Having now been let down by both, I can no longer justify spending 10, 12, 14 hours a day away from my family for the benefit of those who have let me down.
(Read the rest)
Home Coming
More than 20 Britons who have trained in al Qaeda terror camps inside Pakistan have returned to Britain, according to Pakistani intelligence.
The Problem with Shades of Gray
Geithner, at the Council on Foreign Relations, said the U.S. is "open" to a headline-grabbing proposal by the governor of the China's central bank, which was widely reported as being a call for a new global currency to replace the dollar, but which Geithner described as more modest and "evolutionary."
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Tax Revolt, by You
Dean's World (via Instapundit)
...a few hundred Iraq protestors garnered far more attention this week than any of the much larger tax protests.
P.S. For some strange reason, doesn't show up on a Google search for "tea party". Nah. Probably a logical explanation...
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Financial Malice
As President Reagan said, we are a nation that has a government, not the other way round. The nation pays for the government, not the other way round. I pay for Congressman Frank and Senator Dodd, not the other way round.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Hypocrisy. Rhetoric. Perspective.
...Now, in the scheme of things, $165 million is a rounding error. It amounts to less than 1/18,500 of the $3.1 trillion federal budget. It's less than one-tenth of 1 percent of the bailout money given to AIG alone....
It is time for the president to state the obvious: This recession is not caused by excessive executive compensation in government-controlled companies. The economy has been sinking because of a lack of credit, stemming from a general lack of confidence, stemming from the lack of a plan to detoxify the major lending institutions, mainly the banks, which, to paraphrase Willie Sutton, is where the money used to be.
[The stimulus] bill, we now discover, contains, among other depth charges, a Teamster-supported provision inserted by Sen. Byron Dorgan that terminates a Bush-era demonstration project to allow some Mexican trucks onto American highways, as required under NAFTA.
If you thought the AIG hysteria was a display of populist cynicism directed at a relative triviality, consider this: There are more than 6.5 million trucks in the United States. The program Congress terminated allowed 97 Mexican trucks to roam among them. Ninety-seven! Shutting them out not only undermines NAFTA. It caused Mexico to retaliate with tariffs on 90 goods affecting $2.4 billion in U.S. trade coming out of 40 states.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
The Stench
Senator Chris Dodd (D-Conn.) on Monday night floated the idea of taxing American International Group... bonus recipients so the government could recoup the $450 million the company is paying to employees in its financial products unit. ...
While the Senate constructed the $787 billion stimulus last month, Dodd unexpectedly added an executive-compensation restriction to the bill. That amendment provides an “exception for contractually obligated bonuses agreed on before Feb. 11, 2009,” which exempts the very AIG bonuses Dodd and others are seeking to tax. The amendment is in the final version and is law.
Also, Sen. Dodd was AIG’s largest single recipient of campaign donations during the 2008 election cycle with $103,100, according to
Friday, March 13, 2009
Hell Freezing Over
Representative Maxine Waters, Democrat of California, requested the September meeting on behalf of executives at OneUnited, one of the nation’s largest black-owned banks. Ms. Waters’s husband, Sidney Williams, had served on the bank’s board until early last year and has owned at least $250,000 of its stock.
Thursday, March 05, 2009
"Oh, the irony."
There was Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner, boldly testifying Tuesday before Rep. Charlie Rangel’s Ways & Means Committee - promising that the Obama administration intends to propose “a series of legislative and enforcement measures to reduce . . . tax evasion and avoidance.”
Did he look Chairman Rangel in the eye when he said this?
Can he look himself in the eye at the shaving mirror each morning?
A crackdown on “tax evasion and avoidance”? Oh, the irony.
Sunday, March 01, 2009
Buffet Missed the Memo
But Buffett said that with the U.S. Federal Reserve and Treasury Department going "all in" to jump-start an economy shrinking at the fastest pace since 1982, "once-unthinkable dosages" of stimulus will likely spur an "onslaught" of inflation, an enemy of fixed-income investors.
Broken Promises
During the campaign, Obama pushed a plan to withdraw one or two combat brigades per month until they were all out. Only two things have changed in Obama's 16-month departure plan: It will take longer than 16 months, and we won't depart.
Instead of May 2010, the target date has been pushed back to August of that year. Nor will he bring back one or two combat brigades each month. Instead, The New York Times reports, Obama plans to withdraw only two between now and December, or one combat brigade every five months.
The administration claims it will speed up the pace of withdrawal next year. But if someone says he's going to sober up tomorrow, it doesn't mean he will definitely do it tomorrow. It just means he definitely won't do it today.
What we can deduce from the new timetable is that for now, we are staying put. As for what happens next year -- well, why cross that bridge before we come to it?
Saturday, February 28, 2009
It's no secret that there is no intellectual integrity on the Left, but it's still hard not to be a bit shocked by liberals' reaction to the budget proposal that Barack Obama unleashed yesterday. Let's take the example of the New York Times,
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Shaping the Battle Space
Did we really need this poll to forecast events which will unfold within hours?
"A national poll indicates most Americans think President Obama will give a good speech Tuesday night in his address to a joint session of Congress, but expectations are not as high as they were for his inaugural address."
Good Lord, the media are really rooting for their boyfriend, aren't they? Now they are making sure the public expects him to give a "good speech."
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Friday, February 20, 2009
We're All Cowards, Now
House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn (D-S.C.) says GOP opposition to the stimulus — exemplified by his home state governor — is a "slap in the face" to blacks.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Obama Hates Black People, Too!
The economic stimulus signed by President Barack Obama will spread billions of dollars across the country to spruce up aging roads and bridges. But there's not a dime specifically dedicated to fixing leftover damage from Hurricane Katrina.
And there's no outrage about it.
Democrats who routinely criticized President George W. Bush for not sending more money to the Gulf Coast appear to be giving Obama the benefit of the doubt in his first major spending initiative. Even the Gulf's fiercest advocates say they're happy with the stimulus package, and their states have enough money for now to address their needs.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Global Warming: Belief
Speaking of experts, in 1980 Paul Ehrlich, a Stanford scientist and environmental Cassandra who predicted calamitous food shortages by 1990, accepted a bet with economist Julian Simon. When Ehrlich predicted the imminent exhaustion of many nonrenewable natural resources, Simon challenged him: Pick a "basket" of any five such commodities, and I will wager that in a decade the price of the basket will decline, indicating decreased scarcity. Ehrlich picked five metals -- chrome, copper, nickel, tin and tungsten -- that he predicted would become more expensive. Not only did the price of the basket decline, the price of all five declined.
An expert Ehrlich consulted in picking the five was John Holdren, who today is President Obama's science adviser. Credentialed intellectuals, too -- actually, especially -- illustrate Montaigne's axiom: "Nothing is so firmly believed as what we least know."
(Read the whole thing)
Monday, February 16, 2009
The Union Way
When the Auto Bailout was approved by Congress one of the stipulations was that the automakers had to get concessions from the unions.
So, in an attempt to abide by Congress’ demands, GM has been in negotiations with the United Auto Workers to make the requisite deals. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem as if the UAW is in the mood for making any deals, at least if it involves any cuts for them. Consequently the UAW has decided to walk out on further negotiations.
Sadly, instead of trying to arrive at a fair package with General Motors, the UAW would rather stubbornly fight them at a time when everyone is being asked to trim expectations in this faltering economy.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Epitaph for the 1st Amendment
It’s an easy question. Does this administration believe in free speech or government censorship? Their sudden inability to provide a clear answer, when they had no problem giving such assurances eight months ago, does not bode well for the answer.
I’d like to say I told you so to all of those who accused us of paranoia, but the window on that ability to do so on the airwaves looks like it’s about to expire — like all of Obama’s campaign promises.
The American media should be ashamed of themselves on this issue. They pose as the defenders of the First Amendment and free speech. Why are Chris Wallace and Michael Calderone the only MSM people pursuing this?
Happy Valentines Day
Remember: Religion of Peace.
This would be the time when all liberals, feminists in particular, should turn their backs on women of Islam and direct their hatred to Bush/Cheney/Israel.
From post title - New York: Afghan consulate official beat his wife for 15 straight hours. Jihad Watch via. Ace
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Is This Fascism?
Newsweek magazine, which has given us many of the most damaging deceptions about America in recent years (remember the “Koran-Down-the-Toilet” hoax?), now weighs in with a pretentious and embarrassingly ignorant cover story, “We Are All Socialists Now.” ...
There’s a element of truth to the basic theme (although not to the headline): the state is getting more and more deeply involved in business, even taking controlling interests in some private companies. And the state is even trying to “make policy” for private companies they do not control, but merely “help” with “infusions of capital,” as in the recent call for salary caps for certain CEOs. So state power is growing at the expense of corporations.
But that’s not socialism. ...
It’s fascism. Nobody calls it by its proper name, for two basic reasons: first, because “fascism” has long since lost its actual, historical, content; it’s been a pure epithet for many decades. Lots of the people writing about current events like what Obama et. al. are doing, and wouldn’t want to stigmatize it with that “f” epithet.
Read the whole thing.
Point of No Return - Iraq
Reuters via Jawa
Romance is in the air in Baghdad as war-weary Iraqis celebrate Valentine's Day after a sharp drop in violence, allowing lovers to cautiously hold hands in parks and to buy gifts for their sweethearts.
Public courtship and more daring clothing for women are increasing after years of growing intolerance, perhaps signalling the Islamic dogma and conservatism that accompanied Iraq's slide into sectarian slaughter may be losing their grip.
"You cannot imagine how happy I am today," said Usama Abdul-Wahab Khatab, a recent university graduate nestled beside his girlfriend at a riverside Baghdad park.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Power Grab
He who counts the beans controls the Democrat electoral machine.
Monday, February 09, 2009
Propagnada vs. Data
Doing something, anything, to stop the pain of the current recession, no matter what its structural effects on the economy, might seem practical, but it is not.
Saturday, February 07, 2009
Maybe it’s time for President Obama to come out and give one of his big hopey-changey speeches. It’s been a few weeks now, and I kinda miss them. You know—“We are the change we’ve been waiting for.” “We have nothing to hope for but hope itself.” “Ask not what your hope can change for you, ask what you can hope for your change.” Etc.
Remember the Rule
Remember the rule. When a dirty leak harms Democrats, the media focuses on the dirtiness of the leak and barely even mentions the damaging information the leak disclosed.
But when a dirty leak harms Republicans, they focus on the substance of the leaked information and don't question at all the propriety of the leak.
Obama's Justice Department "Accidentally" Releases Sealed Legal File to WaPo Exposing Steele Scandal
Lost Decade
“We have another example.
“What is called in Japan the Lost Decade of the 1990’s, where stimulus packages similar to the one we’re considering tonight were tried again, and again, and again. And, at the end of the 1990’s, Japan, looked very much like it did at the beginning of the 1990’s, except that it had a much larger debt.
Friday, February 06, 2009
Lords of Government
The tax cut provision of the "stimulus bill" seem aimed at solidifying party control: most of it is transfer payments to people who don't now pay taxes. In the US 40% don't pay federal taxes. If any large number of those are given money as transfer payments they will learn to rely on them. At which point they will be motivated to vote. And community organizers will see that they do vote. Now understand: many of those who get negative income taxes do necessary work and they aren't very well paid. The question becomes, is that a federal problem, and should it be dealt with by transfer payments? Because once this is instituted, it's going to be pretty permanent. Those affected by it will be mobilized to defend it, and it will mean more to them than it does to those opposed. So it goes.
Thursday, February 05, 2009
White House to Run Census.. Hmm...
The director of the Census Bureau will report directly to the White House and not the secretary of Commerce, according to a senior White House official.
The decision came after black and Hispanic leaders raised questions about Commerce Secretary nominee Judd Gregg ’s commitment to funding the census.
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
No Stimulus Petition
my message:
Don't mortgage my childrens' future. Cut Taxes. Cut Spending. Tighten you belt like the rest of us.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
I can't help think that the Democrats just feel like they have to reclaim the title of "big government spending" from the shameful performance for the Bush/Republican spending spree. So they are taking spending to a new level.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Raising the Bar on Ethics
Several lawmakers took a post-election trip to a luxurious Caribbean resort that may have breached House ethics rules because of corporate involvement.
Against a backdrop of corporate logos, two of the lawmakers thanked Citigroup, Pfizer, IBM and AT&T for their roles. The ethics committee approved the trip, but the rules bar lawmakers from taking trips lasting more than two days if corporations are underwriting or organizing any part of them.
[fast forward to the 9th paragraph to learn who was on the trip]
Other members of the Congressional Black Caucus who attended the conference at the sun-swept, 10-acre Sonesta Maho Beach Resort in St. Martin included Reps. Carolyn Kilpatrick (D-Mich.) and Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.), chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Must be the CO2
PASADENA, Calif. -- NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope has observed a planet that heats up to red-hot temperatures in a matter of hours before quickly cooling back down.
The "hot-headed" planet is HD 80606b, a gas giant that orbits a star 190 light-years from Earth. It was already known to be quite unusual, with an orbit shuttling it nearly as far out as Earth is from our sun, and much closer in than our planet Mercury. Astronomers used Spitzer, an infrared observatory, to measure heat emanating from the planet as it whipped behind and close to its star. In just six hours, the planet's temperature rose from 800 to 1,500 Kelvin (980 to 2,240 degrees Fahrenheit).
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Let the Healing Begin
Supporters of the Pakistani Islamist party Jamat-e-Islami protest in Karachi, January 25, 2009. The protest was organised by Jamat-e-Islami party against military operations and drone attacks in tribal areas. U.S. drones fired missiles into Pakistan late on Friday killing 17 people, intelligence officials and residents said, in the first such strike since Barack Obama became U.S. president.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
American Core
...WaP/ABC poll...
19. Generally speaking, would you say you favor (smaller government with fewer services), or (larger government with more services)?
The answer, it turns out, is that even in the current environment, post-Katrina and in the midst of the worst economy since the last bad economy (OK, 1982), 53% of the respondents plumped for “smaller government with fewer services”, in contrast with 43% backing expanded government.
Reasonable Doubt
Edward Wegman, chairman of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences committee on theoretical and applied statistics
...I am baffled by the claim that the incorrect method doesn’t matter because the answer is correct anyway. Method Wrong Answer Correct = Bad Science.
Friday, January 23, 2009
And at the bottom of the List...
The latest in an annual series of polls from the Pew Research Center on people’s top priorities for their elected leaders shows that America and President Obama are completely out of sync on human-caused global warming.
Another High Profile Non-Believer
William Happer, Cyrus Fogg Brackett Professor of Physics at Princeton and former head of the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Energy Research, unloads on the charlatans who peddle the anthropogenic global warming theory:
"...All the evidence I see is that the current warming of the climate is just like past warmings. In fact, it's not as much as past warmings yet, and it probably has little to do with carbon dioxide, just like past warmings had little to do with carbon dioxide."
Thursday, January 22, 2009
By the Numbers
Of $355 billion in infrastructure and other cash outlays [Of the $850B stimulous], only $136 billion would be spent by October 2010. And out of the roughly $100 billion in infrastructure spending, only $26 billion would be spent in fiscal 2009. So much for a quick and immediate jolt to the economy. Oh, by the way, even if the entire stimulus package were put into play, various people have calculated that the estimated 3.5 million new jobs would cost $225,000 per job.
Change: Nation of Men
Witness Obama’s selection to be Secretary of the Treasury: Timothy “TurboTax” Geithner. Certainly, Geithner is a tax cheat who will run the Internal Revenue Service. He’s the bumbling constructor of TARP. But, you know, Geithner has been described as “possibly the only man for the job of healing the recession.” There will be a great gnashing of teeth, sayeth the prophet, then Geither will lay hands will lay hands and heal the recession. Heck, he might be better than Benny Hinn.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
I Love the Smell of Hypocracy in the Morning
Last Thursday, Barack Obama’s nominee for Attorney General, Eric Holder, admitted during his Senate Judiciary Committee confirmation hearing that he supported renewing the part of the Patriot Act that allows for the FBI to seek records from businesses, libraries and bookstores as the policing agency investigates suspects in this country. For years we’ve seen news agencies and opinionists rail against the expanded power of the FBI to search such records. But, now with Obama’s AG announcing in his confirmation hearing that he agrees that the FBI should have this power, all anti-Bush administration voices are silent on the matter that had them so exercised for 6 years.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Chink in the Armour II
Bad news for Nobel laureate Al Gore and his not-too-merry band of tree huggers. Rasmussen Reports has released the results of its latest opinion poll, and for the first time, a majority (51%) of Americans are not buying into the Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) myth:
...Bush has declared Washington, D.C., a federal disaster area.
No, seriously. ...what was it? An ice storm? A hurricane?
No, it's the inauguration of his successor. ...
"I don't know if anybody's ever done that," said Dana Perino, the White House press secretary.
Indeed. One reason why nobody's ever done that before is because a presidential inauguration is not (to be boringly technical about it) an "emergency." ...
I'm not worried about "change" so much as creep. The Obama administration doesn't have to do anything terribly transformative – overnight socialization of health care, etc. In fact, it doesn't have to do anything at all. It could just sit there, and America would still drift remorselessly, incrementally left, inch by inch. Eventually, you reach a tipping point: At some point in the next four years, we will reach a situation where the majority of Americans pay no federal income tax but are able to vote themselves more goodies from those who do. The most basic of conservative principles is that if you reward bad behavior you get more of it. We now have a government offering trillion-dollar rewards for bad behavior to the financial system, to the housing market, to the auto unions and to individual voters.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Hudson River Plane Crash Analsys
stall speed 113 knots 130 mph 190.7 feet per second
plane length 37.57m 123.3 feet
stop (from video)
length 5 planes lengths, 616.5 feet
time 4 sec
ave to stop, g's
4 sec 47.675 fps^2 = 1.48 g
1 sec 190.7 fps^2 = 5.92 g
The Federal Aviation Regulations Part 23 lays down some crashworthiness requirements for normal category light aeroplanes to give each occupant every reasonable chance of escaping serious injury when the occupant experiences forward loads up to 9 g
If the body is properly restrained human organs, and their attached blood vessels, have coped with transverse deceleration loads very much greater than 20 g – applied for short periods.
Should Have Seen This Coming
In a video message to supporters, Obama gives his campaign organization a name -- "Organizing for America" -- and a mission: running a permanent campaign for his legislative and governing agenda.
So the propaganda machine will continue. The media will continue to be spoon fed talking points to support his positions and his successes (and hide his failures). But I don't blame him. This is the exact area the destroyed President Bush - PR, communication, propaganda. Call it what you want. But if you leave it up to others to tell your story, you are unlikely to succeed.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Enter into Evidence, Exhibit Q
In other words, it's a wonderful thing to spend $150 million if you're Barack Obama, but you need to be condemned if you spend $43 [million] and you're George Bush
Beware of the Crisis
(according to Wikiquote, it is an unsourced)
Telegraphing Your Pass
Paterson will choose 'right after inauguration'
Of coarse, if you are trying to bury a story, publicize it?
There is nothing to see, here, II
The Corner via. Hot Air
Today’s lead story in the Washington Post reports that President-elect Obama “will consider it a failure if he has not closed the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, by the end of his first term in office.”
Thankfully, many of his broken campaign promises are the correct decision in my mind, and they were in President Bush's mind as well. I'm feeling slightly better today than I did back on Nov. 5th. Of coarse, this is the honeymoon where the press is letting him slide. A year or two of following Bush policies, and they may have a different take. Of coarse, juxtapose these concessions with bail-out money to the private industry including the newspaper industry, and they may continue to let these sleep dogs lie.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
God Bless
But the unsung heroes to be blessed are the engineers at Airbus who designed the plain to withstand this crash. As an engineer, I always look at the goofy cartoon drawing in the safety card in the seat back in from of me and think, "Yeah, right. A flying tube made so light so that it can fly would never withstand the forces of a 'water landing'." But the skeptic in my was proven wrong today as a plane made a picture (cartoon) perfect water landing. Great job ME's!
Get Some
Obama's Stimulus Plan: How the IT Sector Could Turn it Green
"How to turn it green" can also be read, "how can I take someone else's hand-out". My response is "No one should get it. Get off your butt and make your own money, cuz the hand-out you're getting comes outa MY pocket!"
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
This is what I'm talking about
Press Oddly Quiet About Would-Be IRS Head's Forgetful Posture on Taxes; But Oh, By the Way, It Was Huge News That Joe the Plumber Had a Tax Lien
Instapundit, quoting Treacher:
A plumber owed $1,000 in taxes that he didn’t even know about… …and it was headline news!
Who Better?
WashTimes via. Gateway Pundit
Until last week, Carol M. Browner, President-elect Barack Obama's pick as global warming czar, was listed as one of 14 leaders of a socialist group's Commission for a Sustainable World Society, which calls for "global governance" and says rich countries must shrink their economies to address climate change.
By Thursday, Mrs. Browner's name and biography had been removed from Socialist International's Web page, ...
"As soon as the Iranians heard about the Egyptian cease-fire initiative, they dispatched the two officials to Damascus on an urgent mission to warn the Palestinians against accepting it," the Egyptian government official said.
"The Iranians threatened to stop weapons supplies and funding to the Palestinian factions if they agreed to a cease-fire with Israel," the official continued.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
"Kill all hostages, except the two Muslims."
... what has a schoolgirl in Villiers-le-Bel to do with Israeli government policy? Just weeks ago, terrorists attacked Mumbai, seized hostages, tortured them, killed them, and mutilated their bodies. The police intercepts of the phone conversations between the terrorists and their controllers make for lively reading:
"Pakistan caller 1: 'Kill all hostages, except the two Muslims. Keep your phone switched on so that we can hear the gunfire.'
"Mumbai terrorist 2: 'We have three foreigners, including women. From Singapore and China'
"Pakistan caller 1: 'Kill them.'
"(Voices of gunmen can be heard directing hostages to stand in a line, and telling two Muslims to stand aside. Sound of gunfire. Sound of cheering voices.)"
"Kill all hostages, except the two Muslims." Tough for those Singaporean women. Yet no mosques in Singapore have been attacked. The large Hindu populations in London, Toronto and Fort Lauderdale have not shouted "Muslims must die!" or firebombed Halal butchers or attacked hijab-clad schoolgirls. ...
Data on Dems and Israel
A Rasmussen poll conducted in the last week of 2008 found that while 62 percent of Republicans backed Israel’s action in Gaza, only 31 percent of Democrats did. Almost three-quarters of Republicans blamed Hamas for starting this war; only a minority of Democrats agreed. Republicans are 20 points more friendly toward Israel than Democrats. And while extreme hostility to Israel does not exist among Republicans, almost one in 10 Democrats describes Israel as an “enemy of the United States.”
This is the political environment in which Barack Obama will be forming policy toward the Jewish state. Friends of Israel should find this worrying to say the least.
And at The Corner, more data that Dems would find fault in (if they were so inclined to get informed)
Generally, high-information voters lean toward Israel in the Middle East, while low-information voters are less favorable. And low-information voters tilt strongly toward the Democrats. [Follow link for source]
Friday, January 09, 2009
Amateur Hour Continues
Whether one agrees with the notion of the U.S. opening a direct diplomatic channel to Hamas or not, talking about it right now is very poor timing.
The Chicago Way Comes to Washington
So the Chicago Way hauled off and slapped the U.S. Senate in the face—one of those backhands with the knuckles to unsuspecting lips—and guess who blinked?
It wasn't Chicago.
It was the Senate.
In political terms, Reid rolled up his sleeves, put on his favorite "Kiss the Chef" apron, got his fingers dusty with flour and baked himself a big humble pie. He scarfed it down in front of reporters Wednesday, without a fork, all but licking his fingers, that pie was so sweet and tasty. Mmm-mmm.
"People ask a lot of times why we have to do various things procedurally here in the Senate," Reid told reporters. "It's because we're the Senate: That's how we operate."
Correction. That's how you used to operate. You're from Nevada, but Obama comes from Chicago.
It's sure got to be difficult to eat a big hunk of humble pie when your lips are stinging, but here's some advice, Senators.
Have another slice. There's plenty more.
Monday, January 05, 2009
Chink in the Armor?
As an engineer, I tend to side with Ambler. The simple argument about the specific heat of CO2 vs. H2O a big. And the many cycles of the climate over the history of earth is also unsubstantiated in the man-made global warming argument. What man-made period reversed the ice age? Also as a scientist, I always keep my mind open to alternative views. Anyone who says the argument is over is not scientific (Thanks, liberal public education).
Here in lies the challenge in loosening the grip of the man-made global warming argument. If you say, "The argument is over." you have crossed the line into faith/religion. Most who have committed themselves to the man-made global warming cause stick to it like a religion. How do you convince a Christian there might not be a God?
Friday, January 02, 2009
Cast Lead
God speed, Israel.
"I've been talking to friends of mine, former Palestinian Authority intelligence officials (ejected from power by the Hamas coup), and they tell me that not only are they rooting for the Israelis to decimate Hamas, but that Fatah has actually been assisting the Israelis with targeting information," Goldberg writes.
One of those friends, he continues, "told me that one of his comrades was thrown off a high-rise building in Gaza City last year by Hamas, and so he sheds no tears for the Hamas dead. 'Let the Israelis kill them,' he said. 'They've brought only trouble for my people.'"
No people on earth have been hurt more by Islamic terrorism than the Palestinians.